CNY Wedding

Scott & Briana

Okay, I love first looks (be it with the parents or the couple). I love it when the couple exchanges gifts, notes, cards, etc. It’s a moment that makes you realize just how much you’ve been through and how much you’re looking forward to the next chapter of your lives. It’s a window into the thoughts and feelings that surround you leading up to the actual moment of marriage. These two combined them both. Back-to-back they read notes from one another then were able to turn around and see each other face-to-face. It was absolutely beautiful. They were beautiful. This wedding was just.. beautiful!

Sara & Brian

Sara & Brian were one of the most lovely couples to just.. watch. They were inspirational in their obvious and devout love for each other. Being a wedding videographer, you see that most everyone has some wedding “jitters” on the big day. These two were just so happy to be making it official that the happiness completely overwhelmed any nervousness. To add, Central New York brought us some sun!

“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world.” – Bill Wilson